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bolaf August 15, 2016 4:09 pm

I recently read this bit can't find it.... i think it's based on a game.
A male couple are married, the uki is sick but loves spicy food and his partner tells him he might be pregnant, turns out they are....

bolaf August 8, 2016 8:28 pm

Uke named izumi has mole under eye, gets mistaken for dating uncle. Seme named murai wears glasses, he rejected izumi as kids

bolaf July 23, 2016 9:20 pm

I'm looking for the yaoi where the guy is obsessed with a guy idol. His room is plastered with the idols posters and pics of the idol. He one days meets the idol and is embarrassed to have him see the posters etc.

bolaf February 26, 2016 2:47 am

I'm looking for title of a yaoi one shot where the uke stands behind seme on baseball field purposely having his eye injured to trap semester into feeling guilty. Seme becomes a big baseball player and chases uke to NY.

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