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Rori created a topic of Someone Like You

this might be the first bl couple who communicates w each other and clear misunderstanding and struggles they feel,when shinwoo meets his mother im gonna break down in tears

Rori created a topic of A Secret Romance Between Us

"i can go down on you again" " does it hurt" isth respectful men are so (despite everything here i fumbled at those lines)

Rori created a topic of Jinx

the rating has gotten to 8.8?? lolll someone pls send me the raws to thiss ,what's gonna happen??

Rori created a topic of Instant Family

ok what im bout to say has little to do w this but ill just say it after reading sm manhwas w the "bonding" thing in them,i can say that it happens irl too ,guys "bond" w their first love and they won't ever forget it it might be someone from 4th grade or someone they met when they were 20 ,but they wont stop thinking abt their first love and they will always try and project that person's characteristics in their current lovers,but they dont forget ,loll

this got me so emotional,my life is so bad rn i suffer from anxiety and depression and nothing seems to work out but just for a little bit i was happy reading this,i hope everyone has someone who loves them unconditionally in their lives in the future,please be happy everyone, this couple has my heart forever this whole thing didn't feel fictional at all,happy crying !!

Rori created a topic of Wet Sand

imma be honest i haven't read this story i just want the scar guy and the uke to end up together cause holy molly they were so hot together? are they friends w benefits or sum?

Rori created a topic of Fake Fact Lips

me enemies to lovers irl whennnnn

Rori created a topic of Can't Think Straight

ive read the raws its still a few chapters until garam gives in lol if yk what i mean

im so happy this manhwa is so good literally shows how the reality of some couples is,and how they grow w each other , it has the reality in it not the fictional,and most importantly it doesn't have any r@pe scenes between the leads ,other authors should learn from this,let's normalize bls like this fr and not those bls where violence is romanticised

ew another pretty privilege top getting away w basically r@ping the bottom

Rori created a topic of A Secret Romance Between Us

imma be honest w yall rn im 19,a girl ,single and im literally holding back tears rn these bl manhwas make me feel like shit ans reminding me why being single sucks big time

Rori created a topic of Jinx

can this author give it a rest i was so anxious he would hit him or smth this manhwa is too violent overall verbally and physically im not saying anyone is forcing me fo read it but can we skip to the good part loll

im melting,now we want the sex scenes lol (i sound like freak but we all waiting for it )

dont fricking separate them and make them fight you damn author just wrap it up if the plot has nothing to it anymore or just show us how they are all lovey dovey

Rori created a topic of Can't Think Straight

they are def gonna kiss now

Me whennnn me whennnnnn ,i wanna experience being in love so bad

Rori created a topic of Yours to Claim

god 14 yr old me we made it. the ending was satisfying and feels like a chapter of my life finally ended w this manhwa
bye bye everyone ig ,it annoyed me most of the time but i loved how the characters grew and i cant believe it ended !!! bye yours to claim