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ririchan created a topic of Merry Marbling

this is too fcking wholesome they really SEE and appreciate one another, one thing that was lacking in my high school relationships. I was always so busy with trying to be seen that I wasn't able to appreciate their existence (also maybe bcos im actually lesbian, but still to be loved is to be seen)

ririchan followed a list

-Child Protagonist  
-Family Life 
-Family Love/Doting Family Members/ 
-Babysitter, Nanny, Childcare 
-Adopted Child 
-Father-Daughter Relationship 
-Father-Son Relationship 
-Mother-Daughter Relationship 
-Mother-Son Relationship  
-Stepmother-Stepdaughter Relationship 
-Stepmother-Stepson Relationship 
-Aunt-Nephew Relationship 
-Uncle-Niece Relationship 
-Brother-Sister Relationship 


27 days

i love that for her!!! in the words of mitski "my love is mine all mine, nothing in the world belongs to me but my love", a woman in love and asking to be loved is not weak!!

ririchan created a topic of Star Struck


ririchan created a topic of Shining Summer


ririchan created a topic of Merry Marbling

that was so brave of him, stepping out of his comfort zone, and also taking a risk. he was aware of all the possible outcomes of everything that he did and does but despite that he still went for it. i love love love that them loving each other became an instrument of self-love. this is so pure

I don't remember how the blonde messed things up nor am i sure if he's even related to whatever happened, it's just that as soon as I saw him something inside me flinched and tensed from anger, it's like instinct. my intuition is telling me I don't like that guy.

ririchan created a topic of Cherry Doll Scandal

yeah dude he may be kind and soft and gentle and all the good things angels should have but that doesn't mean he's stupid nor is he unaware! give my man what he wants!!

ririchan created a topic of Stranger in the Mirror

i dont even know who the enemy is now but whatever i do love me some "u and me against the world" love story

i like my dilfs cute, squishy and obsess with plushies too!!

ririchan created a topic of Lost in the Cloud
ririchan created a topic of Love in Orbit

so what happened was, i was drinking ice coffee, just right when i was sipping did i saw the panel of him unzipping and yelling things about the d, i was shocked and i choked and i saw my life before me, i nearly died

ririchan created a topic of Romance, But Not Romantic

i finally found a good wholesome ongoing bl manhwa, it was so hard

ririchan created a topic of GIVEN: The 10th Mix
ririchan created a topic of Stranger

U ARE FCKING KIDDING ME (pls tell me he did not)

ririchan created a topic of Star Struck

what's worse is, he isn't even manipulative or all the sht that requires brain power he's really just privilege and spoiled and therefore insensitive (which is the worst partner for someone who grew up poor), I would've prefer it if he's a complete psycho but no he's really just immature and ignorant

ririchan created a topic of Star Struck

yea sure bud (pls run away hajun)