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For some reason, i want the seme to be miserable . I want him to get jealous. I want the uke to ignore him and forget about him. And i want the seme to suffer more before the uke likes him. I dont want the other way around
2020-09-20 21:11 marked
I wonder why they suddenly stopped translating this one. I mean its good , indemand.

Are the translators having fun reading the pleading and begging comments of the fujoshis here? I think its rude and we no longer have option but to see the raws . When some of us dont want read it because we wanted to undertand it.
2019-05-02 13:11 marked
Shingo just give him that fucking ring! Smiling.Act man act!! Payback time and go home, just. I agree with all this comments. Keichi doesnt deserve this its his fault for christ sake. Ugh!
2016-03-18 08:20 marked

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