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Everyone is trash. The prince is so infuriating, the family is trash, the princess kinda fine lowkey and sedin he cool. Sedin is going to be ml like it’s obvious and I don’t mind it. Hope she’s able to go back to her original world and sedin will probably follow since he’s not supposed to exist in the world they’re in.

OhBear94 created a topic of Define The Relationship

Absolutely yes, that was amazing and so well written. I love that they’re openly communicating n defining their relationship.

OhBear94 created a topic of Solo Farming In The Tower

This always heals me especially keung the baby bear is so adorable and sweet.

How many different people are gonna have to tell her to end before realizes she is being strung along. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ anyways, he just lean in n give her a lil kiss

OhBear94 created a topic of Gig of the Day

I knew from the beginning he was gonna pull that shit but damn did I hope he’d actually care for him

OhBear94 created a topic of For the Musical Genius

This is good, I like the business aspect and the music side as well. Id be okay with the little girl being the fl too cuz she’s an interesting character even without being the romantic lead.

OhBear94 created a topic of Be the Actor

Is it just me but I don’t really like the Fl because it feels like she’s not on the same level as him. If she at least provided him something like maybe she made him laugh a lot or something like it seems like she has no value. I don’t mean it in a sexiest way either but the mc is just so well rounded that it seems unnecessary for her to even be the Fl.

The insecurity one has cannot be fixed by feeding into it. Insecurity can be fixed by addressing it and understanding how it came to be so you can work to move from it. As pitiful as dellota (or whatever her name) is it should not sway you over the fact she fed into her insecurity by stealing and what not instead of loving herself and not in an arrogant way but in a genuine love for self. Anyways, remember guys you should always be working to improve yourself whether it be physically, emotionally and or financially and not just rot in your negativity.

Omg… she’s insane. What did I say? You can’t let people like that push you around cuz they’ll just get worse n worse cuz they know you’ll let them to keep the peace. Anyways, what if Cheong moves in with Siru??? Lastly, I hope the other guy gets his shit rocked or gets exposed as a nasty fuck boy.

I’m trynna see her escape tbh… he’s not even hot enough for me to forgive him for being selfish and trynna control her like damn all the girl wants to do is leave. Let her leave plsss

OhBear94 created a topic of Half of Me

I knew that pink head bitch wasn’t innocent so to all you the non believers, the underachievers, the tweet and deleters you guys make me sick to my stomach fam.


This is kinda bad lol but don’t come for me cuz it’s MY OPINION

OhBear94 created a topic of ARTS MANZ

1. Mc is ass for avoiding his red head friend like that. Yes he’s young and yes he could’ve not had much access to sexual acts especially gay ones but he clearly avoided the red head for much longer than necessary. If he was truly red heads friend he would’ve tried to reach out again but he didn’t so all red head could think was that he ruined their friendship bc he was gay.
2. Although red head had no right to force mc to do any sexual acts for money. That’s assault and forced prostitution. Plain and simple.

3. Nobody’s right here and yes the gravity of both situations differ but in the end they were both wrong. It’s not just pick a side and blindly defend either character. They’re both wrong.

OhBear94 created a topic of The Path Of Star

This is why I stopped supporting idols. The fans are fucking crazy and delusional and the companies play into it causing harm to their employees just to produce more profit. Poor Sanghyuk he really doesn’t deserve the hate he’s getting. A lot of people forget what cause and effect are like every one of ur actions has consequences so don’t act surprised when you see someone react. Also, Winter blew up at his crush and he’s not the type to just move on okay? He’s the type to apologize so it’s not all that weird he called his crush but again he does need to have some respect for himself n move on but it’s hard cuz he likes him. The therapist I think should actually be replaced bc he’s unprofessional af.

OhBear94 created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

Oh shit. Bruh they just adding shit now to make the story longer cuz now why is he about to lose his memory.

He’s such a red flag Jesus Christ. Bro really said “that should be enough of that” “I make up reasons to push people away” fucking barf. When a man tells you he doesn’t like you don’t ever and I mean EVER let him have to tell you again. Figure out how to deal with rejection and keep it pushing.


They’re surprisingly really wholesome. The top comforted the bottom really well but Jesus he gotta put his frog booty away.

OhBear94 created a topic of Our Relationship Is...

Once I started reading this, I just couldn’t stop. It’s so good and I thought it was a bit boring at first but you can really feel the emotions of each character. We got to see what type of people the characters are and all their actions made sense for their personalities even if I wasn’t happy with them for example Eugene you can go fuck yourself. Anyways, all the hardships they both through made me feel so connected to them and I sincerely cheered them on not bc they were the main characters but bc I truly wanted to be happy.
From here on it’s just my opinion on the characters and certain conflicts.
It was tough to read the chapters with ml dad and I wish we could’ve got a more detailed scene of the situation and his feelings. I wanted him to let it all out and then to talk about how he wished his dad died but I’m glad he was able to overcome it all.
I knew I sensed some sort of tension between the red head and chanhee (whatever his name is). I was so excited when we saw that the red head did like him so I hope they get their own little romance story.
Let’s talk Eugene, ugh at first I truly did feel for her bc I understood how hard it must’ve been to be the new girlfriend but then her actions afterwards were just disappointing. I couldn’t believe she didn’t clear up the rumor and let it go that far. I’ve had feelings for the same guy as two friends before and I would’ve never let them get hurt bc of my insecurities. Eugene was an awful friend even after that bc she only apologized about the rumor to relieve her own guilt. Mc was kind hearted enough to forgive her and I thought that would be the end of that. Then she had to go and make yearning wishful eyes at the ml while they were on their trip and it was so distasteful. Again, I understand why she thought those things and how her shitty boyfriend amplified her regret but above all she was friends with mc. Good friends don’t allow others to see those type of feelings especially not after all things she did to them. She could’ve had those feelings and kept it all a secret but she did it multiple times where it just become upsetting to see. Therefore I don’t think she was good friend at all and I would even say she’s selfish and has a victim mindset of some sort.
The long black haired friend was a good friend bc she realized she hurt mc and changed to make sure it didn’t happen again. I liked her little side story with her crush on the serious black haired guy. It was cute.
I’m actually so glad I see characters with reluctance to physical affection bc I’m the same. It was nice to see her boundaries being respected and her putting effort to show ml she cared about him as well.
That’s it but if anybody read through all that then drop your opinions so we talk. (●'◡'●)ノ

OhBear94 created a topic of Look at jasmine

This is so good when you wanna shut ur brain off and just numb it with garbage lol

OhBear94 created a topic of The Path Of Star

Can we get my boy an actual therapist and some security guards please