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Anyone knows if she ends up with someone or will she be happy by herself/friends/other love interest, just whats going on? What's the secret Ophelia left behind? Is she in a loop? Anyone knows anything please spoil me!

Gasai Yuno created a topic of Foam of the Sea

Sorry i need to know the reason the Squib guy betrayed her, just what was his justification?
If someone knows and can spoil this story for me please im all ears!!

*siiigghhh* i was hoping he was an omega or a dominant omega would be fun [yeah, i knew he was an alpha earlier on but i was holding on to hope.]

Please provide me some spoilers! I read some spoilers below but they were so confusing af!

Does anyone know if this was dropped?
Also is there another place that has more chapters or the novel or even to buy it????