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Haku February 21, 2024 2:33 pm

Why did I even start reading this story when everything about it infuriates me? Knowing I won't get what I want, which is revenge on Elaine's sister and her husband for what they did to her. Their guilt-ridden existence isn't sufficient because, at the end of the day, they swiftly moved on after her supposed death, building a life on Elaine's sacrifice. That coward Bright didn't lift a finger to clear her name, despite her being the reason they have the life they do. Elaine got the short end of the stick from start to finish, and she'll likely end up with their son, which is frustrating since he's just an arrogant brat trying to use Elaine for the sake of another woman,just like his dad before him. But if he were to learn the truth, return to his world, confront his family, and make their deeds known, this could be some form of revenge, even though it won't be enough. What infuriates me most is how Elaine is portrayed.After the way she was treated and what she suffered for 23 years, she still hasn't grown a spine and can't stand up for herself, remaining the same meek lady she was. The story should have focused on Elaine's journey to self-love, not her falling for undeserving guys just because they showed her kindness. It should have showcased her growth not just in magic but her being aware of her self-worth and that she deserves better than these useless men.

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