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im confused... did the uploader upload the same story twice?? or is there a twist??
i need to know bru

Hajimes_fattest_tits created a topic of Jinx

I thought he couldn’t understand English… he understood “he’s one of my own”????

This chapter is hella disappointing. As a mixed African American and East Asian myself, I thought this chapter was going to be really good and relatable. But clearly it was disappointing. I get they’re trying to spread a message but how can someone with such limited knowledge of the perspective of a mixed race in east Asia try and write this on their own. And more to that, I really do not like how they drew out the features of the foreign and mixed race students. They could’ve been drawn the same style as the other Korean students. If not, they could’ve atleast used some sort of foreign comic references to make it look natural. In the end this is really disappointing