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Chicken burger w/ Cheese Fries July 17, 2021 9:50 am

It's honestly heartbreaking to see this and continue watching on. I understand cheating plots in porn-like webtoons, I usually love those and close one eye as the sex scenes are more enjoyable. (Rare to get good sex scenes and good plot anyway) But this girls' man is literally the nicest, most considerate and trustful guy, yet she doesn't communicate to him properly about her OWN sexual needs.

I'm a female and I just want to say to girls that don't know, guys cannot read our minds. Stop assuming they can. Don't be shy and just let him know what you want and need from him! If he refuses thats another story but Girl... This webtoon hits HARD, because I've seen so many girls exactly like this female lead just because they are embarrassed. I mean if you are too shy to talk about sex with your partner, means you guys are just not ready for sex yet!

Those far fetched webtoons with the male lead fucking multiple women in their own little harem and them cheating is by far way better than this. This story is very relatable realistically and I stopped being able to sexualise this webtoon half way through. Is it still worth reading on?

    Lust September 19, 2023 6:42 am

    I thought the same right!!! If she is that embarrassed to confront about her sexual desires with his partner then, how the fu*k you are allowing other men to approach you and fu*k the hell out of you... In the end sheis the bi*ch in the Heat ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Chicken burger w/ Cheese Fries July 8, 2021 2:28 pm

So many mangas I've read under strong female lead which end up all damsels in distress.. Finally found an amazing one! Loved how she managed to change to a "better" self of her despite many past lifes. All I want now is for the story to please not progress with the romance too abruptly. Please, please, please focus more on her story and self recovery.

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