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Marshy November 20, 2016 6:21 am

Hello, I'm the one who did the Indonesian translations on this manga. I'm surprised that someone shared it on mangago without my permission. I'm not happy about it, seriously.
Anyway, at first, I want to translate it into English personally [not in a group] but this project is claimed by sals scans and month ago, nijiniji nikubou said they will translate this as well. Neither of them drops this project which means, they will translate it soon. SO, the reason why I don't want to translate it into English is, I just don't want to snatch another group's project because I thought, that's rude. Moreover, English isn't my native so I need a proofreader to help me. But if you want to know about what happened on this story, you can ask me (●'◡'●)ノ (●'◡'●)ノ

    Anonymous November 20, 2016 6:25 am

    How can I contact you...
    I want to know how the story goes...
    Super thanks!!!!

    Thegirlnextdoor November 20, 2016 6:31 am

    Thank for your works <3 This manga's really cute, as you can see, not much people know Indonesian, but they still rated it 9.5/10. Nijiniji nikubou seem like they wont translate this yaoi at the moment : ( Hope that someone it will be translated to English soon TvT

    Marshy November 20, 2016 6:36 am
    Thank for your works <3 This manga's really cute, as you can see, not much people know Indonesian, but they still rated it 9.5/10. Nijiniji nikubou seem like they wont translate this yaoi at the moment : ( H... Thegirlnextdoor

    Thank you! This manga is super cute, really. The author will releases the continuation of this story and I'm waiting for the tankoubon version.
    Yep, as you can see on this they still put it on their future project list and sentimiento yaoi released the first chapter in spanish already. Just be patient then (=・ω・=)

    dannygirl 21 November 20, 2016 6:37 am

    Thank u for the raw . I really love this manga you made my day

    Marshy November 20, 2016 6:37 am
    Really!!!!How can I contact you... I want to know how the story goes...Super thanks!!!! @Anonymous

    if you're on tumblr, we can have a little chat there.
    mine is monmarshy

    shortie~ November 20, 2016 6:46 am

    Makasi banget kak XD

    Marshy November 20, 2016 6:55 am

    uh ... um... sorry but I need to use the capslock. I don't mean to be rude but.....
    bayangkan kamu udah capek-capek translate, udah siap rilis 1-2 minggu kemudian eh keburu diserobot orang. Rasanya tidak enak ya.

    ............and really, I don't have any idea who's the one that uploaded my works into mangago. I know you want to share it but please, ask my permission first.

    shortie~ November 20, 2016 7:03 am
    uh ... um... sorry but I need to use the capslock. I don't mean to be rude but.....DEAR INDONESIAN,IF YOU WANT TO RE-TRANSLATE IT INTO ENGLISH, I WON'T ALLOW YOU TO USE MY TRANSLATIONS UNLESS YOU ASK SALS SCANS... Marshy

    Sabar ya kak, mau gimana lagi.. udah terjadi... Ambil positifnya aja.. mungkin translate nya kakak bagus banget sampe dia upload di mangago, atau.. ada banyak org indo yg seneng banget krn hasil translate kakak.. btw, dia ada kasih credit enggak kak?

    Marshy November 20, 2016 7:18 am
    Sabar ya kak, mau gimana lagi.. udah terjadi... Ambil positifnya aja.. mungkin translate nya kakak bagus banget sampe dia upload di mangago, atau.. ada banyak org indo yg seneng banget krn hasil translate kakak... shortie~

    Kredit saya tidak hilang, tapi saya merasa tidak enak saja karena yang bersangkutan tidak meminta izin. Belum lagi, mangago memang bukan tempatnya untuk membaca manga dalam bahasa Indonesia 'kan. Jadi banyak orang asing yang kena PHP wkwkwkkw. Saya senang banyak yang suka dengan manga ini tapi jika terbuka seperti ini, khawatirnya banyak pihak-pihak yang melakukan re-translasi tanpa izin dan ke depannya bisa jadi masalah.
    Saya nerjemahin ini ke bahasa Indonesia, buat manjain penyuka BL setanah air. Karena proyek dari grup kami yang akan datang juga merupakan terjemahan langsung JPN>IND. Biar kalian bisa baca rilisan manga-manga yg belum diterjemahin ke english, begitu dek (●'◡'●)

    shortie~ November 20, 2016 7:30 am
    Kredit saya tidak hilang, tapi saya merasa tidak enak saja karena yang bersangkutan tidak meminta izin. Belum lagi, mangago memang bukan tempatnya untuk membaca manga dalam bahasa Indonesia 'kan. Jadi banyak or... Marshy

    Boleh tanya ya kak... Kakak upload manga bl hasil translate kakak dimana? Saya mau baca XD

    Marshy November 20, 2016 7:38 am
    Boleh tanya ya kak... Kakak upload manga bl hasil translate kakak dimana? Saya mau baca XD shortie~

    untuk saat ini hanya bisa diakses lewat wordpress dan facebook saja, kami masih mengerjakan situs baca online sendiri (●'◡'●)

    Fidiana November 20, 2016 7:41 am

    Rilisnya biasa dimana kak? Punya web khusus kah?

    chic November 20, 2016 7:43 am
    uh ... um... sorry but I need to use the capslock. I don't mean to be rude but.....DEAR INDONESIAN,IF YOU WANT TO RE-TRANSLATE IT INTO ENGLISH, I WON'T ALLOW YOU TO USE MY TRANSLATIONS UNLESS YOU ASK SALS SCANS... Marshy

    Just a suggestion, if you put your work in digital form and share it online, be it in a tumblr or forum, sooner or later there will always be someone who share it without your permission in online manga reading sites. It happens no matter how strict you make the distribution. Unless you share it only to the people you know personally in real life and have complete trust with each other.

    There had been lots of such cases i. e. :
    Old ones: Fushichou Hayasu, Nakamanga, Fantasy Shrine, Dangerous Pleasure.
    Recent ones: Black monkey pro (BMP) - - - > they disbanded already because their projects were illegally shared. So no income for them. They even make an effort by putting their projects through Patreon.

    Anyway, I do not encourage people hijacking each other's work. But just a friendly reminder if you don't control the outflow, the 'water' will always disperse everywhere.

    chic November 20, 2016 7:47 am

    Btw, BMP did their own original project. They were a creator/author of bara/yaoi, not a scanlator group.

    Marshy November 20, 2016 8:08 am
    Just a suggestion, if you put your work in digital form and share it online, be it in a tumblr or forum, sooner or later there will always be someone who share it without your permission in online manga reading... chic

    Thanks for letting me know!
    I'll try to find the solution then, to minimalize it.
    I guess because this manga is kind of long-awaited one and Indonesian translation for BL isn't something usual so everyone got excited and shared it here. I'm doing the english scanlations and sometimes help other english group to translate some mangas and we know that someone might be distributing our work somewhere but I don't expect someone to share my indonesian translation into mangago. Ya karena pakai bahasa Indonesia, maksud saya. Saya kira hanya akan berputar di sekitaran facebook saja. Cause my friend who did scanlations on their native like spanish, korean, italian, etc. never crossed into their works on an mangago or any other manga-reading sites. Saya rasa, pikiran saya kemarin terlalu sempit (=・ω・=)
    once again, thank you for your innformation.

    Marshy November 20, 2016 8:18 am
    Rilisnya biasa dimana kak? Punya web khusus kah? Fidiana

    kami punya situs wordpress dan akun facebook sendiri, biasanya informasi soal hasil kerja kami dishare di sana.

    Loveit November 20, 2016 9:10 am
    Thank you! This manga is super cute, really. The author will releases the continuation of this story and I'm waiting for the tankoubon version. Yep, as you can see on this Marshy

    OMG ITS IN SPANISH !!! YAY Bilingual bitches got it good!! -excuse the french-

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