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sleepy_sh created a topic of Pop One's Cherry
sleepy_sh created a topic of To deny the route

Dude, you just took his stamina. How is he supposed do anything with that low energy?!

I hope, Ilya going to be there to save him one time

It's like he was made to create D R A M A, I am dying

I do, feel bad for pink kitty, poor baby is feeling hurt, but I can't stop laughing, it's so funny

sleepy_sh created a topic of Fight Club

I didn't know the guy can say "please". Well at least he has some manners

sleepy_sh created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Hehehe, alcohol can be sometime a little btch ^^
I can see after he start there is no going back

sleepy_sh created a topic of Mad Dog

Ohhh, they going to do it UNTIL MORNING

This going to be spicy~

sleepy_sh created a topic of Don't Press the Button

Now, I don't know if I want a cute bird like him or to become him

sleepy_sh created a topic of Paid to Fondle

my thoughts want from "??!!" to "oil " (perfect xdd)

Not me thinking, this going to be just cute pet and
his owner
(I mean, after 21/30 someting, I went like "maybe nothing going to happened, well this is cute :3" to *drop down*)

sleepy_sh asked a question

If ALPHA, BETA and OMEGA were a color, what color do you think they would be?

I was thinking...

A - red
B - blue or green
O - yellow or purple
(If red, green and yellow -> traffic lights)

sleepy_sh add manga to list Links - not in mangago


  • Author: Xini,Cynnie
  • Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Drama / Romance / Shounen Ai

Alpha x Beta
Lead of group x used to be talented assassin (strong uke)
(A with special blood type)

chapter: 18+

- criminals


  • Author: Xini,Cynnie
  • Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Drama / Romance / Shounen Ai
sleepy_sh created a topic of My Assistant BF

I want so boobies, tooo

sleepy_sh created a topic of Salt Friend

Can't tell them that he have a cute boyfriend

sleepy_sh created a topic of I Like Your Pheromones

How can anyone say "no" to puppy eyes, but than at the same time... He could say "NO"

sleepy_sh created a topic of Gig of the Day

My little pookie, please get some rest, it's heartbreaking seeing you like this

sleepy_sh created a topic of Gig of the Day
sleepy_sh created a topic of Kiss Damnation

Is this good or bad? Would you recommend it to me? You guys in comments giving me mixed feeling. So I can not tell.