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m00min's experience ( All 0 )

m00min's answer ( All 2 )

m00min 03 08,2023
?? asian people are poc .. almost every entry on this website has poc because the genre of manga was created by asian artists Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)   3 reply
03 08,2023
about question
Sorry I have never read hell's paradise. but these were pretty good in my opinion; keep in mind some of this might be shit because I am an idiot 1) Battle in 5 Seconds After Meeting (My personal favorite) 2) Jigoku Kurayami Hana no mo Naki (it does not have a lot of episodes/is not really that much action) 3) Saihate no Paladin (???Adventurer man......   reply
25 04,2021

m00min's question ( All 0 )