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Connie simp want to do ( All 1 )

yandere bf or gf

Connie simp's experience ( All 2 )

I’m gonna be brutally honest for all u kids who are online dating. 1. It won’t last. Seriously, unless you live in the same state, are 18+, and have met irl there is a very low chance of it working it out. 2. One of you will find someone at school or in the city/town that is really hot. And if you reject that hottie you’ll regret it forever! ......   1 reply
02 10,2020
Connie simp
02 10,2020
Every time I’ve dated a dude it sucked. One time I dated a guy and he had lots of female friends which I was fine with cuz I trusted him but it turned out behind my back he hooked up with a few of them and then he dumped me on my BIRTHDAY and started going out with his girl bestfriend. Also like I’m not trying to be conceited but I was way out ......   reply
02 10,2020

Connie simp's answer ( All 0 )

Connie simp's question ( All 0 )