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LilTuna created a topic of Waterside Night

Thank you sm for the updates T_T

LilTuna created a topic of Lost in the Cloud


LilTuna created a topic of Yours to Claim

I’m dying at the one of him with the clearly real lady- literally cackling. PHOTOSHOPPED TRAVELERS.

LilTuna created a topic of Gig of the Day

I already know this shit is gonna break my heart
But I’m already in it.
So good so far.
The “good boy” nearly SENT me over the edge.

LilTuna created a topic of Jinx

Not a misunderstanding so small almost 50 chapters in. Boo tomato tomato.
Give me character development!

LilTuna created a topic of Jinx

I really thought Dan was gonna turn around and say iight, imma head out.

LilTuna created a topic of End it

The art is stunning. And I’m always all about omegaverse. Can’t wait to see where this goes w officials.

LilTuna created a topic of Payback
LilTuna created a topic of Night Fragments
LilTuna created a topic of Yours to Claim

Well, I’m happy only bc I’ve always been team Yahwi. It’s been fun yall, well not really. But it’s been something.

LilTuna created a topic of Jinx

Nah this is where I DRAW THE LINE
I literally had tears in my eyes reading that.
That was completely and utterly FUCKED.
That would live in my heart for the rest of my life. Tbh this probably will. I will think about this before falling asleep for the next 7 years istfg.

LilTuna created a topic of Night Fragments

I completely forgot about this one! But as soon as I saw the cover art it all came back to me! So excited!!

LilTuna created a topic of Missing Love

Im so ready for Geom to be happy. I literally can not fcking wait.

LilTuna created a topic of Yours to Claim

I miss when this was simple asshole seme lovestruck uke. Those were the days.

LilTuna created a topic of Yours to Claim

I am inches - seconds - away from dropping this. & never looking back.

LilTuna created a topic of The Alpha's Circumstances

I see people saying that the professor is his BOYFRIENDS DAD???? is that true? How do people know this info????

Where can I read this novel??

LilTuna created a topic of Yours to Claim

Is this him choosing Cain then?
His literal pet from his past life?
I’m confused. I’ve been confused since like chapter 40 or something.

LilTuna created a topic of Our Sunny Days

This is one of the best pieces of literature I’ve ever read so far. The comedy is on point, it’s so sweet, and I can already tell it’s gonna be hot and steamy soon.

LilTuna created a topic of Yours to Claim

It’s giving love and hate