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Okthiscanbetruetoo's experience ( All 1 )

Why manga rape is more called out whereas manhwa rape is often romanticised by readers.   1 reply
23 02,2021

Okthiscanbetruetoo's answer ( All 3 )

about question
That there will always be someone who has an argument against something   reply
19 07,2021
No, incognito takes too much maintenance as mangago needs to be logged in for smoother reading. ╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭ I mean, everyone got their phones, I've never been asked for my phone. Plus i read what i read, and my friends know what i read (I got like 20+ tabs open on my chrome, unhealthy and dangerous ik) I'm just wayy past the snooping ......   1 reply
23 02,2021
Depends on the person. I don't tell boys, they're usually prejudiced or disgusted but I'm very open of what i read to my close friends and two of them are fujoshis as well. It just happened naturally. I usually let light LGBT stuff into conversations to determine what kinda person they are.   reply
13 10,2020

Okthiscanbetruetoo's question ( All 0 )