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prettylies March 2, 2024 3:49 am

Daon is the most fickle and spineless character. He's so childish, he decides something, shouts it out loudly just to go back to it in 2 seconds. He can't decide what he wants, this could've ended years ago if he had even an ounce of determination. He's like a puppet, believes and follows every word anyone says, can't protect his boundaries or stand up for himself. Are we on love interest number 17? The funniest part he doesn't want to let anyone go, he keeps them hoping, he let's them do anything they want.

How many times he's been controlled by others, they manipulate, tell him lies and he just let's them. He knows their stories don't add up and make sense. it's been 10 years and he's just as indecicive and weak as ever. How many time he's been kissed against his will, manipulated and lied to, yet he still keeps running back to Jaemin and Soohyun. He hates the idea of Sunghyeon moving on too, everytime he decides to distance himself, Daon makes puppy face, starts crying, says he loves him, kisses, hugs him, tells him he's special.

Sunghyeon has been extremely patient with him, he's being giving him second chances, he even tried to stop their relationship just so Daon can make up his mind and choose one of those two. Daon receives physical, emotional abuse, psychological pressure yet he still cries for Soohyun and Jaemin. At this point just admit you're polyamorous and start dating both of them and let Sunghyeon go. Even if this the most fucked up relationship dy nomic ever, all 3 of you suit each other. Daon is the biggest red flag here

prettylies February 29, 2024 8:49 am

The story is quite frustrating to read, the reader for sure gets invested in all this love drama. Very intense love triangle, impossible love and a lot of regrets and angst.

I've read almost 100 chapters and took a break just before the grand reveal and finale because it become too stressful to read. And now it's been like 2 years but I want to pick it up.I still don't know who mc ends up with, there are enough supporters on both sides. Personally I think he's even better on his own.

The art style is so beautiful and very distinct. There's been so much pretty panels, the story is dramatic and keeps you on edge. The mc and ml parents are not helping them one bit and just complicating things even more

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