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not how this has a lower rating with only 2 chapters while other books filled with red flags get a higher rating it do be telling the kind people some of y’all are!

noot noot created a topic of Habibi's Rabbits

why is this so funny it’s like such a ridiculous situation ☠ especially the random men having sex in ya house LOL like did they not know the cameras were obviously gonna on. guess they let their guard down for too long huh

noot noot created a topic of No Moral

anyone know where to find raws? send me a msg pls hehe

noot noot created a topic of Swapping

they’re all fkin psychotic

noot noot created a topic of Merry Marbling

they’re so cute but personally I’ve seen friends with mothers or fathers like that and it’s actually so bad irl lmfao the stress that comes with it damn

noot noot created a topic of Bad Kid Good Partner

that random role play weird transition was lowkey awkward and random lol

noot noot created a topic of My Suha

what is with artist loving explicit rape scenes as a plot device like you really sat there and said yes, this is necessary lmfao ☠ maybe I’m old fashioned idfk I just don’t think it’s needed for a story to progress

noot noot created a topic of Health Homo

not a serious read, corny and dumb but can be cute depending on your taste!

noot noot created a topic of Written in the stars

the parents probably won’t get shit at the end, these stories always end up with them not getting what they deserve. like can we please have stories where the bad parents, ceos, whatever actually get the shit that’s coming for them

noot noot created a topic of Zero Day Attack

started out promising, slowly turning boring / predictable

noot noot created a topic of Under the Green Light

pretty okay read but plot is pretty repetitive as other stories similar to the mafia imo

noot noot created a topic of Work Love Balance

tbh it makes sense where both parties r coming from and even if it’s true I think it’s okay for him to feel emotional to that because you can’t always be logical when it comes to relationships it sounded like he was putting a time limit on a relationship which comes off as “we’re going to break up eventually”

Forgive me if I’m wrong but I think at some point of the novel she’s coerced into having sex with him or borderline assault(?) I could be reading it incorrectly or recalling it wrong, it’s been a while

noot noot created a topic of A Stepmother's Märchen

I get it was normal for Jeremy to get engaged especially in that time period but still, like damn. Imagine having to do that despite having no feelings for that person

noot noot created a topic of No Arguing With Mr. Mo

i would’ve left ☠He doin too much

noot noot created a topic of Limited Run

☠sorry he walked into that like not even alarming someone before hand? like it doesn’t take two seconds to think

noot noot created a topic of High Clear

right now its draggin it out but writers gotta get paid too saur I guess misunderstandings like this are the easiest and lamest way to filler plot ☠

noot noot created a topic of Yours to Claim

just bad writing. really bad .