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karma created a topic of Define The Relationship


karma created a topic of Love Replica

I'm ngl I'm so lost I don't remember anything from past chaps isn't thus a flashback?so why was redhead there

karma created a topic of Love Sick Dog

"Master not single" I'm sorry but you can NOT go around saying shit like that

karma created a topic of Omae no Hou ga Kawaii Kuseni

Why are they actually dumb lolol

karma created a topic of High Clear

Why the hell is she shouting it in the whole God damn restaurant does she WANT him to get hate crimed

karma created a topic of Thirst

Honestly Ethan is Honestly so strong cause like listen right WE know that wren is Tristan like mother figure but to Ethan he's really just some guy that was sitting on his bf's lap all touchy and is ALSO working for the dude that is trying to kill his bf even tho it is by force he still is working with him me personally I genuinely woulda crashed out

I complete forgot we were at this part I'm so scared I don't want him to be mad at him but ik he will be since he didn't wanna tal about his dad yet

karma created a topic of Killing Stalking

Don't EVER scare me like that again

karma created a topic of Dear Benjamin

I'm going to die why did mangago give me a notification for this I'll cry

karma created a topic of Define The Relationship

Why are these chapters so short I'm going to die

karma created a topic of DEAREST

I said this once maybe twice and I'll say it again that manager HAS to cut that mustache off

karma created a topic of Love Gym

It ended fleetingly causes he's straight you've been crushing on a STRAIGHT man for 10 years

karma created a topic of BearSong

Lol going to a brothel is out of the question but having your freshly 18 year old student suck you off isnt

karma created a topic of Thirst

Ethan is way better than me I'm sorry Tristan is pissing me off both they asses woulda got popped

karma created a topic of High Clear
karma created a topic of Love Gym

Pid totally get having a crush on someone I literally had a crush on one person for like 3 years but if it's to the point where they are straight AND in a relationship at some point you have to let it go like no way you are still obsessed

karma created a topic of Diss Love

Is he dumb???how has he not put two and two together

karma created a topic of Tender Night

"Just don't tell me you like me" he literally did nor have to say ts

karma created a topic of Define The Relationship

My dick hurts