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Eris for Chaos July 22, 2021 6:54 am

I also have PTSD and when I’m extremely stressed I lose the ability to speak as well. I’m fully capable of thinking (mostly just fight/flight/free, what’s dangerous) so I understand her mental state EXACTLY.
That being said, when I get like that, I use sign language. But nobody around me knows sign language so I’ve lost practice and basically just reverted to basic, rudimentary signs or charades. So I know that she is mentally and physically capable of basic communication. There would still be the language barrier for her that I don’t have but the ability to communicate even a tiny bit is still possible.
Her brain is in danger mode rn so the blonde guy would have to start trying signs or pointing at stuff idk. But IT IS POSSIBLE. Once she relaxes a tiny bit they can communicate. SO HURRY THE FUCK UP AUTHOR

    Ken Yamari July 22, 2021 8:03 am

    FR THO I also have ptsd and I understand where your coming from. I wouldnt be able to talk and freeze up but I would be frustrated and scared in the same time if I dont understand what they're trying to tell me or what they're gonna do to me. I would be doing charades or something to make them understand and read them like an owl to figure out their intentions; also being very cautious. Like my first option would be trying to communicate and if they dont respond like a abusive person, then my thought would be like, "okay at least I know they're not that type of person."

Eris for Chaos June 20, 2021 5:23 am

Ooooooooooooh myyyyy gooooddddddsss
To show up to an event for your fiancé with the girl you’re basically cheating on her with who also happens to kinda be her mortal enemy/rival as they wear the EXACT SAME DRESS... that is next level petty. He woke up and chose violence. Oh my gods. I aspire to be that level of bitchiness while also wanting to punch him in the face. Wow. I’m reeling. That sure was something.

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