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Yuri's feed

The fact that this man is a whole abuser cheater and at this point rapist because he at multiple times has choked her to the point to where she has passed out. He wants pulled her outside of bed when she was sick with the fever and she hit her head and a few minutes later passed out due to that because he also tried to rap her in that same scene later. He consistently for the past 2 years for their marriage has done nothing but cheat on her, got a w**** houses and to get laid every single day. She has said nothing in those whole 2 years. The only thing she wanted was to be friends. She didn't. She knew that he wouldn't love her. She knew that he was in love with her sister and she understood that and all she wanted was to be friends. She never once said that she was in love with him and yet the second she's so much as speaks to a man he's like. No, you can't do this. You're cheating on me. Stop cheating on me. It's like man has actually cheated on her man. The man is abusing her and he's like oh you can't speak to other men because I fear that you made cheat on me because first some reason after 2 years I have fallen in love with you and he doesn't even let her distance himself. In fact, for the for the two years they have been married. He for every single month. They've been married the past 2 years. Has been sending her an email at the first of every month of divorce papers and all she needed to do was sign them and she was like no. Actually I'm waiting for my sister to get out of prison so that you can marry her and I'll sign them when she gets out of prison. And this is been an understood fact but he's still antagonizes her. He still attacks her. He's still rapes her every month because of the grandfather wants us to have sex and it's just like why. Why put yourself through this just let him lose the company. Let him be in with his b****** and just move on with your life. Just leave the country. In fact, I would prefer if she married the younger brother because at least he treats her with respect and at least he actually likes her and I done some weird creepy twisted. I'm going to abuse you. You can't speak to other men type away. It's dumb