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Newyork Cheesecake created a topic of Peerless Dad

I don't care about the age gap... They are both consenting Adults already.. leave them alone... I'm so happy for our Noh!!! Have a good life my boy

Newyork Cheesecake created a topic of Yours to Claim

This is only my opinion but... Truthfully I'm not a fan of Cain... But when I saw the ring with engravings of "I'm yours to claim"... I cried and surrendered

In this world... Contraceptive is non existent... LOL
I want side stories about the children... Specially on Albert.. who will he end up with.. An or Quarte or someone else??? And our handsome Deux.. I wonder who is the lucky lady that will end up with him

Newyork Cheesecake created a topic of Did It Work

Mental illness is equivalent to falling in love. LOL
Why is this getting sweet

Newyork Cheesecake created a topic of Ice Lamp

Everything is good except for the fact that the FL is weirdly devoted to Mufi.. girl get your priorities and devotion straight .. wake up... There are better fish in the sea... Hartnell the blonde dude followed you while Mufi straight up ignored you..

Hmmm... Too many plot holes and lapses in FL's memory, she will only remember some incident if it's happening in front of her. For someone who reverted through time, the first thing they do is make a plan to prevent tragedies from happening (ex. The first incident of poisoning) but she is very oblivious.. also the FL is acting like she didn't experience being beheaded, like trauma is not real...
The prince is an immature dick... He is a bully... I don't like how he is a bit kind to pretend Liam now that they swap places... The prince's past crimes even though it haven't happen in the 2nd timeline doesn't excuse his sins... This is soooo stupid
I can't believe that the FL can be so dense and forgiving.

Newyork Cheesecake created a topic of Yours to Claim

I'm not saying that Jooin doesn't deserve to be happy... But he doesn't deserve to end up with any of the two Seme... Although Yahwi brought it upon himself the ending that came to him.... And both of them have too many burden to bear for our little Jooin to handle...

Newyork Cheesecake created a topic of Road To Kingdom

Lol... He could make a country of children in the future.. if this keeps up..
But I wonder why the woman by his side didn't get pregnant by now..

Quaren's and Banana's relationship is funny as hell.. I like their love story more
And the "Ew" from Quaren ... Banana is really a strong woman

Newyork Cheesecake created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Spoil me please!!!

Is it really his baby?

Newyork Cheesecake created a topic of Ni Jiu

The past few chapters is making my tears ducts work too much
Don't lose hope baby.. you will see your hubby soon

Newyork Cheesecake created a topic of Perfect XXX

I love Kenshiro... So dedicated to Aya-chan and very funny too..

I like Isekai reincarnation stories.... But it's a bit of a turn off for me if the main character reveals early and on their own their original world...
And I was sooo looking forward to reading this cause Isekai BL are scarce...