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not sus June 14, 2024 4:01 pm

thats fucking insane bro

not sus June 14, 2024 3:47 pm

lol these cockblockers r so funny

dont get me wrong bro i hate the side couple but HOLDON let me explain

i know that all this cupid stuff is great but let me tell you how every single one of their "counseling" never did anything

1st problem: they just dont get to the point

2nd problem: they ask for advice then they don't do the advice especially pinkie pie and his "im so shy" self. DONT GET ME WRONG it was cute at first but y ask for advice when u don't even apply said advice

3rd problem: taejun just cant say no for shit EVEN when the day is about him and hongyeon which leads me to the

4th problem: hongyeon. brooo this man is so jealous and i mean rightfully so, cuz lets just take a look of most of their days when they became a couple, bro is always interrupted or just str8 up ignored when it comes to the side couple's counseling

5th problem: side couple doesnt know the purpose of cupid: hes just supposed to make them interact w each other but GUESS WHAT—someone(u decide who) just HAD to be so annoying and ask for literally the most simplest advice like atp let ME date the other person so we can get this story moving

Lastly, hongyeon again, u cant get jealous everytime its abt his cousin i mean theyre literally relatives BUT i do get where he's coming from because i mean bro imagine so early in the morning A NEW day and the first thing u figure out is that you wont get to hang out with your literal lover because of THE SAME REASON why you didnt get to hang out yesterday and the day before that

but i digress, i shall let this story cook even more

not sus's questions ( All 2 )

not sus April 9, 2024 11:13 am

can anyone recommend bl anything thats just SO FREAKING CUTE like so romantic and unconditionally inlove basically inseparable characters

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haiii(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

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