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wishin4jimin's feed


harper ain’t do shit. never apologized or actually realized the consequences of his actions. why did achilles have to be the one to apologize and go to him in the end when he had done so many things for harper. and i don’t wanna hear that “he led harper on multiple times” bullshit because harper READ HIS MIND AND KNEW ABOUT HIS LOVER AND PAST SO its not like he was over here thinking achilles didn’t like him. he clearly knew achilles liked him but was struggling with his memories yet harper decided to get mad and act like he didn’t know that achilles liked him smh. also, multiple times in the story there is an emphasis on achilles heel and him feeling pain through that heel…. why the heck was this not addressed. we spent dang near he entire story on harpers stupid wrist he injured from a simple trip yet achilles HEEL, arguably the most symbolic piece, was ignored lol. all in all, it was aight