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wishin4jimin's feed

wishin4jimin created a topic of Somewhere In Time

the story itsself of our main characters was probably 15 chapters while the other 40+ chapters being the backstories of the most random characters that truly don’t matter in the main story. i do not need to know about every friends, family member, and parents backstory. it was so unnecessary. maybe the backstory of our MCs parents but NOT EVERYONE ELSE IN THE FREAKIN WORLD. the story between Shang and his leukemia partner would’ve been a great second story but it still ended unresolved. as a matter of fact, every thing in this book is unresolved. we know about every backstory and their mammas yet we still don’t know the basic shit like what happened to our MCs relationship with mom, what happened to the leukemia patient, and so much more. this story actually started pissing me off when they gave us the backstory of the green curly haired friend and i skipped it all cuz i was so annoyed because it was so unnecessary.