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Aight so essentially, yes, it fetishizes gay relationships and presents them in unhealthy ways, and more often then not it's made for straight women. I, personally believe a little fetishization is okay, since sexual freedom is important. However, outside of using it for that kind of thing, or just for your general entertainment, do NOT under ANY C......

2020-08-06 07:24 marked

I think it might be fetishized to a certain degree but the common thing is that these yaoi/ bl comics are designed for fantasized mlm relationships. There’s a difference between fantasy and reality. People should be able to differentiate the two. I feel like some comics spread awareness as to what happens to how gay people are treated and others ......

2020-08-06 06:09 marked
I know people are pissed this is SOOOO much bull but honestly (even though this is fiction) the feels portrayed are real. Feelings aren't always so clear, people are awkward and their minds clouded in situations like this (especially with 'pet' boy over there), and these two are SUPER IDIOTS -not like it's their fault I blame father Mcdick and vampirism- who don't understand that people can love them for who and what they are, they need time, the shitty waiter needs a slap. Seriously this story is just one HUGE miscommunication, but that's how people work, we asume for the worst when we're worried or don't understand things...
2016-04-20 02:47 marked

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