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DogeoOreo's experience ( All 0 )

DogeoOreo's answer ( All 4 )

about question
spoilers Killing stalking. If yoonbum just killed himself after sangwoo died it would have been better cuz bum kinda promised him that if sangwoo dies. also would have proven how much bum can't live without him and is completely obsessed with him :D good that sangwoo died tho   3 reply
18 02,2024
lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas not the longest word in finland but jst wanted to share hahah   2 reply
24 01,2024
joined I rly have no life   reply
11 11,2023
11 11,2023

DogeoOreo's question ( All 1 )

about question
can someone recommend mangas/manhwas with really masculine women pls the plot of the story is not that important. just tall and muscular women
18 02,2024

People are doing

did survived suicide

tried numerous times and i still failed, might just jump next

21 minutes
did survived suicide

0/10 not recommend
Seriously tho... It got me into therapy and it somehow helped but I still don't wish for others to experience the same

3 hours
want to do survived suicide

covid was crazy

3 hours