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Teaa created a topic of Second Time of Dawn

It.. broke my heart more than i think it would.. mc is too indecesive, why need to lock jinwoon in the closet? Isn't talking together also an option? It's not like yihan would assume u had sex anyway they literally just arrived ...

Teaa created a topic of Rocket Science Love

Seojin used Oblivious Seduction!
It's super effective!

Teaa created a topic of Secretary to Stage

My phone fell on my face on the dick reveal, is that a pole

Teaa created a topic of A Secret Romance Between Us

Ewww bitch, YOU are the one who's annoying, it's his 'friend's' number so he has the right to protect his privacy logically, especially from a bitch like u

Teaa created a topic of Bad Friend

Bro just unlocked a new fetish it seems, congrats.

Teaa created a topic of Love and Roll

Is the uke overdosing on fanta or something that pink is too hot bro, I can't read seriously

Teaa created a topic of Sunday's Consolation

"I'm not gay" in yaoi tagged story is peak comedy. He's as straight as raw spaghetti

Yeah the director is the hot water

Teaa created a topic of No Arguing With Mr. Mo

Ahahaha yea open ending, but but it's going towards the positive side right (coping), i mean with xiao mom hiring mo to cook then xiao will meet him again right (coping), after looking at that potrait full of love there's no way xiao is not touched right (coping)

Teaa created a topic of Access All Areas

Personally, I think the only cool concept in this manhwa is sihyun saw butterfly before he faint, and sleep as coping mechanism, the rest are just confusion

Teaa created a topic of Solar Eclipse

Wha.. what about the jewel?? What.. u can't end it just like that

Teaa created a topic of The Moon-Painting Alchemist

Is this original manhwa or novel adaptation? If it's an adaptation I wanna search it, the story is interesting

Ngl for me it's not some kind of stange kink shit or something, it kinda delivers a message. Like, rape victim mostly don't have the courage to report it u know? At least in my country. Being raped is a very shameful thing that victims mostly keep it to themselves to death. Not getting any help from others, to boost the mc is a man raped by another man, painful to imagine.
Not rlly want to make a theory or something about the author but yea, in my eyes this manhwa has some meaning if u try see it from another perspective and not just for the smut lmao.

Teaa created a topic of Nameless

Kinda don't like where this is going, the uke doesn't want to be pushover but gurl, u r a big pushover . Even though living there better, but who is sane enough to accept all that after they got kidnapped, forced, raped and deceived

Teaa created a topic of Ghost Window

Pls don't tell me hoyeon is the top

Teaa created a topic of No Arguing With Mr. Mo

Bro u being 'sad and broken' doesn't mean u can stomp on another ppl's feeling, ppl also can feel 'sad and broken', if u can only feel pain from serious relationship then don't start any. God, this top frustrates me. Mr mo u should've keep the poker face and make that jerk to come to u himself when he desperate, have some dignity