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Kiyotake followed a list
18 days
Kiyotake created a topic of Full volume

I miss dojin x teddy bear couple

Kiyotake created a topic of Jinx

Okay guys everything else aside do we find it believable that jaekyung will fix his anger issues when he inevitably develops feelings for Kim dan? I don't find a redemption arc right now believable with how his personality is it's clear so far he has little to no empathy for anyone. He's such a ticking time bomb I'm holding my breath anytime anyone interacts with him expecting / bracing myself for him to explode. His anger issues are really triggering. I could only find it believable if he went to therapy and there was a long ass time skip

Kiyotake created a topic of Limited Run

Limited run side stories are my current roman empire

Kiyotake created a topic of Jinx

I hope they end up having a ten year time skip after Dan leaves him, that's the closest believable time frame that Jaekyung could become a decent person and Kim Dan could become financially stable and live his own life and realize his worth and find and love himself

Kiyotake created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

don't do this to them they are lover boys not fighters

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