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blue-ink created a topic of My Suha

it's just hard to imagine that they'll be endgame. anw, i'm just here for the toxicity

blue-ink created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

i love this kind of story. Wonder when the whole guild will meet up irl. makes me think about when i met my in-game friends irl as well haha

blue-ink created a topic of Lucky Paradise
blue-ink created a topic of Waterside Night

ahhhh i love his development

blue-ink created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

i love that we also get to see ryeo's origin

blue-ink created a topic of ENNEAD

here we go, we making progress now

blue-ink created a topic of Full volume

we always gotta keep on going. never stay in one place just because it's comfortable or you're scared. such is life.

blue-ink created a topic of 19 Days

not little mo stepping on the chicken's dick

if y'all need a better teacher x student story, read shen sheng. the student is in college so he's legal lmao

blue-ink created a topic of Instant Family

i hope the thought haunts you so much you won't be able to sleep

blue-ink created a topic of Hirano to Kagiura

hiatus, not like we don't wait for a long time for every chapter anyway lmao. it's worth it because the wholesomeness is healing

blue-ink created a topic of No Arguing With Mr. Mo

i mean a sad backstory still doesn't justify being mean to pres. mo but okay, go on with your emotional sob excuse