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Robin created a topic of Kitto Oujisama ga Nante

I read this whole thing waiting for my baby to transition like my darling you’re a girl, you have a women’s mentality you feel like a women ands so you are a women I feel like these BL artist don’t realize they be drawing the most

Robin created a topic of 1 to 10

I have like 123422557 acquaintances that I say hi too and usually when someone asks me who that person is I’ll be like “it’s just someone I know from here or from there” just because he ain’t specifying how he knows that person doesn’t mean he’s eager to hide he probably just doesn’t think it’s that big of a deal… and calling him a man hoe for having a lot of friends is mad

Robin created a topic of Jinx

I kept screaming EXACTLY DAN OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYESSS “mr.Joo has gone trough so much” SO FUCKING WHAT?! Let him injure his arm even more,let him suffer

Robin created a topic of Jinx

Don’t get me wrong she is lovely and it will be a great shame that she dies but… she just told him not to just take without giving back…now he is going to get fucked up even more and she ain’t helping it better to just pull that Damnnn plug now

Robin created a topic of Jinx

Like I get it “if you don’t like the toxicity then leave”I can’t I want to see what happens I want jaek to suffer but having Dan confess first?? Dan you need to stand up, grow a spine you are pissing me off and pissing in general and jaek there is a special place in hell for you

Robin like topic of Jinx

I put on hold so long of reading this just to wait until chapter Uke respect himself. Its been 34 chapters, but he never has progress. Only self pity, never self worth. This chapter humiliation was too much

Robin created a topic of Jinx

Since you want to block me read this since I can’t reply “ I’m not a dictator you imbecile I simply said there is no point, again I told the person to block you since they would be no end to it and you would continue to speak your truth and they would continue to speak there’s if you want to be an ass about it go ahead but while your at it go ahead and sign yourself up for some special meetings

Robin created a topic of Jinx

It looks like he’s holding dan’s arms behind his back so bro couldn’t push himself if even if he wanted to and that music looks like it’s playing so loud

Robin created a topic of Jinx

He must have been a torturing cereal killer that also happened to be a pedo in his pass life for all of this shit to happen to him

Robin created a topic of Jinx

Your possession???? EHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK HE EXPOSED BROS NAKED BODY TO SOMEONE WITH ASKING IF IT WAS OK THEN PROCEEDED TO CLAIM HIM AS HIS POSSESSION LIKES HES A FUCKING SEX TOY AND HAS THE NERVES TO FEEL PROUD ????? but besides that why do I feel like cheesung is gonna kidnap Dan just out of spite like knowing this author it might happen

Robin created a topic of Jinx

In the last page he looks so tired I get it’s because he got his back blown but I really hope that jake gets the karma that’s coming for him I will explain everything I want to happen to him in detail…..first thing first I want to stub his toe (start of slowly) ands day later he gets a paper cut and finds out he actually had internal bleeding then he goes to the hospital to get it checked or whatever then he gets hit by a car on his way out and he becomes paralyzed from the ads to his legs do naturally he can fight anymore the one day when he gets better and can walk again he is traumatized by cars so he can’t drive anymore and he takes the train and one day when he’s waiting for the trai someone pushes him into the tracks the Train comes and hits him he survives and dies a a month later in a slow and painful death

Robin created a topic of Boku no Hero Academia

If almighty kicks the bucket it’s going to be my fourteenth reason I’m so serious rn


Noooooooooo why couldn’t the mom just let the doctor be called you evil fucking bitch