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The author needs new plot ideas we can’t just have Filthy filthy, richrich semes that are crazy turning there crush into a girl for no good reason, we never actually find out how they do that either and they never get turned back to normal. Ima read this regardless of the copy and paste plot though

lillian555 add 1 photos to funny

the reciol

lillian555 add 1 photos to funny

those thin ass lips didnt get so juicy in 2 seconds

lillian555 add 1 photos to funny

big ass neck you have my dear

lillian555 add 1 photos to funny
lillian555 add 1 photos to funny

weewee artist was getting piad in 3 pennys an hour

lillian555 add 1 photos to funny

this hair cut is to goofy for my liking cut that mess off

lillian555 add 1 photos to funny

zobie ah hands!!!

lillian555 add 1 photos to funny

his face from the back is hideous