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Pk_neuneu's feed

Pk_neuneu created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Both Sanho and Tak have kept their feelings away from each other.

In the first place, Tak always said that Sanho it's the type of person he would never be close with, yet he didn't really pushed him away for 10 years.

On second place, Sanho only talked to Sanho because he was "way too quiet for a new kid" and he wasn't gonna let that happen. NOW, if you guys remember, during HIGH SCHOOL Sanho was the first to kiss Tak and fake dementia, for the sake of "having a good first kiss with his gf".

There are things they're scare to answer, they've been friends for so long, that if both of them start dating. Would it mean they only became friends to date later or was ever any real intention of being friends?

I think that the question they both have.