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Pk_neuneu created a topic of One Summer Day

for me is SUS, WEIRD and GROSS that so many people is on ANY manga/manwha comments section staying "omg, that's a literal child" to any character who doesn't look 45 y/o

get me wrong if you want, but why... out of all the thing you could think qhen looking at a character that has NOTHING to do with children, and say "that's a child"???? are you... trying to tell us a personal reference of you???

because, is weird to click a SEXUAL +18/+21 type of story and that you view the character getting fucked as a child

do YOU wanna fuck childs?????, otherwise, i don't know what would make you think that way over and over and over again

the cliffhanger
damn, i don't care about this story, but i do want to knoe whos the father

Pk_neuneu created a topic of Slammer Dogs

bro is being tortured, pls let him get some bussy

Pk_neuneu created a topic of Kono Te wo Hanasanai de

i never realised there was a seco d volume, and now you're telling me the author is making Vol3????

Pk_neuneu created a topic of Slammer Dogs

i wsnt to trust the gay with white hair, also the nail clips scared me

Pk_neuneu created a topic of Hyena-kun wa mitomenai

yo that was so cute, please tell me there's another chapter

Pk_neuneu created a topic of The Crows Marriage
Pk_neuneu created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

i'm not going to forgive Tak. All that change, it’s not because he cares about Sanho, but because his ego was hurt.
what he did is cruel and heartless, and i'm 100% sure that if Sanho brings up the "you're in love with me" again, Tak's gonna be rude say something like "no, wdym??? we were just enjoying ourselves"

Pk_neuneu created a topic of The Boy And The Wolf

i did say that maybe Tera and the gang were the ones that burned the house... but damn, a part of me wants to believe he didn't

Ren having the flirting skills of a 5 years old is what sold the manga to me

i love the way Ren flirts
chapter 3 was y fav, it eeally showed they care fpr eachpther and how Tadaomi is willing to participate in Ren shenanigans

Pk_neuneu created a topic of Full volume

Between the two of them, Dowon will be the one making the MOST out of their honeymoon

that's ineed Gigi, i don't know why the officer is making that face

Theo knew this was about to happen, and he knew that keeping his feeling secret wouldn't do the work, he grew a lot as a character and i'm proud of him.

He went from a guy that didn't like the new world he lived in, to a person that's willing to risk eveything for those that've shown kindness to him.

He also, is aware of his feelings for Theo, yet unlike him, his attached to another world and the people he shared moments with over there, so it's understandable that follow his heart seems like a bad idea. Specially with a sister like his.

She's 15 already, she ain't no kid, NOR young enough to keep doing shenanigans and being all jelly about her brother friends.

She's being BEYOND inmature, and acting like a spoiled child. Umehiko's takes his part in this since HE was the one that raised her, YET once you SURPASS childhood (which happens to end at age 15) there's no excuse for misbehaving that way.

Theo kidnnaped her brother?,Yes. By the time she met him again, Was Theo the bad guy?, No. Did Theo acted in a way that THREATNED her safety after RESCUING her, No. Did she gave a chance to Theo or Umehikl to explain the new situation?, No.

She's a CRYBABY, SPOILED GIRL, BROTHER'S LITTLE GIRL. That's what she is, she KNOWS her attitude is bad, and still doesn't care because "Her brother belongs to her, and her only".

You people need to stop justifying her over something so vague like age. If you have 15 or more, and ACT that way with friends/family when others approach them, go with a therapist, because that represents a failure in the way you understand the world and will affect you AND the people you "care so much" about.

Pk_neuneu created a topic of One Summer Day

it looks like pee
to me, it looks like pee and it's funny

first tiktok shows me a video a girl with cancer
then netflix with the avatar live action hits me within the first 20 min of chapter 1
NOW Theo's love confession and capture is making me cry again
why??? what have i done??? WHAT DID HE DO?????
god, can someone UNSUMMONED momo and reset her memory???

Pk_neuneu created a topic of Full volume

sir you can't glow in front of my face lile that
the taxi made my heart skip a bit

Pk_neuneu created a topic of Sankaku Twilight

i loved this story, the mc's were so cute, i need a second volume to see how their relation evolves and also need to see paparun in action
i can't believe that some magazines rejected this story

Pk_neuneu created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Tak is a freaking piece of shit
he let a mark on Sanho's mind, he thinks sex it's meant to be painful
that's not how it works honey!!! you just had the WORST first time ever