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Miruxkuu created a topic of A Dangerous Invitation

What the fuck was that lol

Miruxkuu created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon


Miruxkuu created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

He died so young watafak

Miruxkuu created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED?? whatever that old man is sniffing I don't want it

Miruxkuu created a topic of The Titan's bride

Damn, I knew the king and the prophet had something

Miruxkuu created a topic of Tomodachi engagement

It is day 785 on this godforsaken story and it is currently 3:28 am and currently waiting for them to confess their asses

Miruxkuu created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon
Miruxkuu created a topic of King's Maker

I can't believe she's getting coronated before our shin and Wolfgang got married, slay tho gotta love our king

Miruxkuu created a topic of Jinx

I love you Dan but it's about time you get to see the actual truth to that "thing"

Miruxkuu created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon
Miruxkuu created a topic of King's Maker

Aint no goddamn way thats the ending