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Rainbowmelts created a topic of Jinx

Lemme just repost my earlier topic and add another thing

Since Jaekyung finds Jumin familiar, my theory on this is maybe Jumin's the reason why Jaekyung's an MMA maniac, maybe he got bullied in the past. BUT OH GOSH if it is true, I hope we get to see flashback of younger Jaekyung back when he was still innocent!
Maybe it had something to do with the scar that Jumin has now and the reason why Jaekyung has that injury on his shoulder

It's just a theory but I think it also had something to do with the fact that the loan shark boss had to research Jaekyung's background and found Jumin, and I find this quite a personal "revenge" just because they lost a sum of money lol. The loan sharks would probably lose "more" money on this when jaekyung originally payed them all of Dan's debt, so they never lost money in the first place they just wanted to get back at him personally cuz they got their arse kicked but at a cost of more money? Dafaq, talk about being inefficient