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THE VISUAALLSSSSS OHMYGOOOOOODDDDDD !!!! The uke is sooooo breathtakingly beautiful

kopiko black created a topic of Red Area

saw that fcking panel in chap 18, i fucking lost it already made me drop it. POTANGENA

finally a confession!!! I really love slow burn! and i will never forget chapter 42

hmmm nah.. at first i was like " why is the rating so low" then i read it... and i was like "understandable, have a great day"...

kopiko black created a topic of Monday'saviour

he's getting more paranoid and obsessive af... love it!!!!

kopiko black created a topic of My Secret Stalker
kopiko black created a topic of One Summer Day

hala hala, naa napud ning mga OA. ayaw basaha ug di mo ganahan hahahahahaha mga basag baba