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Leviathan created a topic of Feel My Benefit
Leviathan created a topic of Gig of the Day

Well I skimmed the rawa
Good art
The uke seems like another pushover and the mc is just your avg Korean dude, what kind of world do these writers live that they glorify rape is something I'll never get

I like himbos but that dude is too retarded sheesh

Leviathan created a topic of Jinx

Bro is so delulu he needed a reality check twice, man I get you can't leave someone who did állat for u and a fiid pay but get the bag not those feelings

Leviathan created a topic of Jinx

He ain't even állat hot now that he's less beefy

Leviathan created a topic of Love to Ashes

Lol did God kill them both or he turned him into vampire and they both died cause sunlight

Leviathan created a topic of Turning

So this is X men omegaverse ☠ lol

The mc is actually beta or is he omega

Leviathan created a topic of Last Minute Drama

It would be funny if she looks at both of them with the most disgusted face of the century

Leviathan created a topic of Manhattan Melancholy

Even in omegaverse basic medicine isn't affordable in usa.....

Are people in the west fucking retarded ☠

The author suddenly remembered *ooh we gotta put mid romance here"