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CarrotRat July 11, 2021 8:33 pm

ONE: Chop all their fingers one by one including their toes, fry it and serve it to them with mustard. Prob better if they starve but I want them to taste it.

TWO: Pull their hair until they become bald.

THREE: Cut their d*ck off(if they have one) and feed it to their "lover" (definitely not Asheng wdym

CarrotRat June 13, 2021 2:46 pm

My theory is that Xu and De Yuan are actually brothers, half brothers. We've seen some parts of Xu's past and those parts are trying to tell us that Xu is a part of the royal family and De Yuan is also part of the royal family so like it's possible.
It seems suspicious rn but I wont be surprised if my theory is actually correct lol.

    Masha June 13, 2021 3:03 pm

    I just hope this doesn't follow the usual tropes but the first one will ruin these series for me.
    1) Bai Li sees fake message, flips out and hurts Xu and we get "he abuses but I forgive him trope" poisonous relationship
    2) Bai Li sees fake message, flips out and throws Xu out of house. Xu immediately gets kidnapped by bad guys who try to ransom him to De Yuan or by De Yuan and is kept in his place. Either way Bai Li comes to his senses and has to rescue him. The "i am sorry I abandoned you but now I rescue you" trope.

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Hey Simps and Simpetts 01-17 15:15

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