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Aro's experience ( All 0 )

Aro's answer ( All 13 )

Why do sexualities exist... Can we all just come together and simp for Hawks bc istg ya'll be doing the MOST and if you prefer a female simp for Miruko. Problem solved jesus christ   2 reply
13 11,2020
I'm sorry...who asked?   reply
13 11,2020
Aro 13 11,2020
Fun fact about me is that I have anger issues and will throw your enemy off a bridge for 5.99 C; That's right! 5.99!   1 reply
13 11,2020
say hey to ur father, chilren   reply
13 11,2020
about question
Aro 06 11,2020
small dicks. yep, I said it.   8 reply
06 11,2020

Aro's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did survived suicide

Do not recommend. 1. Expensive to go to ER and all jazz, and recovery time is long (at least for me) .2 lots of trauma in mental hospitals

4 hours
did survived suicide

do not recommend, it took 12 months for my stomach to be able to handle alcohol or anything acidic

4 hours
did make a picrew

Its so cute

4 hours