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PrincessO created a topic of Full volume

Why itā€™s always ending up with sex

PrincessO created a topic of Miscreants And Mayhem

Well I know the storyline is about a gang and killing and that pilgyun is a psychopath(sad story) but now we are selling people great

PrincessO created a topic of Waterside Night

I really really really want him to lean on him more!!!! First he wants and will do it second he is the only one to calm him down and I donā€™t know how to say it but he is more useful and powerful like I think if he would have gone to him instead that neighbour and call him immediately things will be much faster and easier

PrincessO created a topic of Payback

You know what I hate about reading an unfinished story is that I forgot things and I donā€™t feel the connection between the characters and how they fall in love this one is one of them an itā€™s pissing me off I here asking myself ā€œwait how did he realized that he likes him and him knowing it??ā€ Guess I should read again

PrincessO created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Brothers without a tomorrow just hit different every god damm single time

PrincessO created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

I think he should try a little harder like A LOT this is wayyyy to soon goshhhh

PrincessO created a topic of Miscreants And Mayhem

That past stories be hitting HARDDDD way too tragic

PrincessO created a topic of Miscreants And Mayhem

He is one crazy motherfucker

PrincessO created a topic of Lucky Paradise

So are we getting somewhere orā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..

PrincessO created a topic of Miscreants And Mayhem

Well I just imagine they are on crack every time ā€œdadā€ is coming up

PrincessO created a topic of Miscreants And Mayhem

Well just started it that ā€œdadā€ issue is not it AT ALL
Second thing the punishment made me sick to my stomach I wanted to throw up itā€™s so sad I couldnā€™t not cry

PrincessO created a topic of Jinx

Well it was hopeless from the beginning soā€¦

PrincessO created a topic of Waterside Night
PrincessO created a topic of Payback

Wait I forgot he already know he is the director right?

PrincessO created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

And the fact that he doesnā€™t feel pleasure and itā€™s hurting him just making it even worst!! Itā€™s written so poorly like there is a MILLIONS ways to write it right imagine communication?? Ten times better right?? Or not being A FUCKING JERK?? Acknowledge liking him and treat him good cause of that?? Wanting to make him feel good HELLO????

PrincessO created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

wtf is going on with tak he is absolutely garbage shit Iā€™m so mad literally I want to kill him Iā€™m furious!!!! What the heel is goging on with this side stories????

PrincessO created a topic of Waterside Night