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Jayne July 8, 2021 8:24 pm

Is it just me or everything is going way way fast? She didn't even try to say "no" when he tried to ask her for marriage. Also, is the guy not noticing the FL being uncomfortable with him? Ugh.

    Pitohui July 8, 2021 8:57 pm

    She knew that if she said no to his marriage proposal, he’d kill her because she was a witness to the murder he committed. So basically she just wanted to live and agreed

    LatteGratte July 8, 2021 9:02 pm

    Well, obviously she wouldn’t say no. Her accepting the marriage rather than being killed is obviously the better choice, rather than being an idiot and saying no knowing full well that you could die. And he probably does notice that she is a bit uncomfortable with him, but what can he do??? Ruari ordered him to keep her close, and he can’t break off the marriage because she’s uncomfortable with him. She and he can’t do anything, espescially since it’s the Emperor’s orders.

    Mece July 9, 2021 3:13 am

    Oh he knows she is uncomfortable. He think's it is cute. They have shown him grinning over it.

Jayne June 18, 2021 9:40 pm

tanginangyan. ayos na sana eh

Jayne's questions ( All 2 )

Jayne June 1, 2021 7:52 pm

Since it's pride month, WHAT ARE Y'ALLs FAVORITE
BL/GL/Yaoi/Yuri manga, manhwas, manhuas?


    Kash June 1, 2021 7:59 pm

    Manga-Neko xNeko
    Manhwa-to take an enemy's heart
    Manhua-19 days

Jayne April 27, 2021 3:12 pm

hello i'm looking for that one shoujo manga (girl x boy), where the female lead is really pretty but the male lead is really silent cold male. He is really cold and has a dead eyes? It's completed. I think the title is like "Notice me ML-kun" or "Cold ML kun" something. PLEASE HELP ME.

Spoilers! If you need more clue, I remember in the ending that they got married, the male lead became a teacher and his co-workers thinks that he's dating a model because her wife is really pretty

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