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Tazz created a topic of Banana Fish

I get that you reap what you sow and at the end all the killing would bite you in the ass someday...but why did he just stay there in the library and bleed out to death??? Sing said that the knife missed all the vital organs which means he decided not to call for help and just die!
Was he tired of fighting? Did he feel that he deserved to die after all the crimes he'd committed? Did he think that a war with the Chinese will erupt if he didn't die? Was reading the letter more important than seeking help? Or was it just the author's decision to end his role even after being shot and stabbed multiple times??
I think about this ending all the time! Why build an image of a super man and then end him with a simple non life threatening knife wound? Anyway, enough venting I'll just imagine an ending with Ash and Eiji living happily ever after and forget about this one