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Strawbabygirl's experience ( All 0 )

Strawbabygirl's answer ( All 3 )

I honestly don't care what people ship, no matter how messed up, because it's not real. I only think it's bad if it's like a 2-year-old involved or something. It's not bad to ship as long as if it would be illegal irl you don't condone it and if you're being toxic about it.   reply
07 10,2020
I don't know if you explained this incorrectly or I'm just misunderstanding. You are transgender if you have dysphoria(discomfort as the current gender you are perceived as/the gender that coincides with the sex you were born with). If you wants to be a guy, are uncomfortable with being referred to as a girl, and want to transition is order to show......   reply
06 09,2020
I guess you could take it that way, but I think people are a lot more comedic, exaggerating, etc online than in real life. These characters aren't real and have 0 feelings at all, it's fine to do and say whatever you want about them in theory. Most people who say "absurd" or seemingly fetishizing things online are actually just normal people who co......   3 reply
06 09,2020

Strawbabygirl's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did survived suicide

Do not recommend. 1. Expensive to go to ER and all jazz, and recovery time is long (at least for me) .2 lots of trauma in mental hospitals

4 hours
did survived suicide

do not recommend, it took 12 months for my stomach to be able to handle alcohol or anything acidic

5 hours
did make a picrew

Its so cute

5 hours