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Yanixi created a topic of The Way to Kill You

I started this story got to like the middle and didn’t wanna read it anymore cuz I just wasn’t feeling it ngl but the server went down today so I was checking through my mangas and saw that this one finally got done. So I just read the last like 8-10 chapters. Idek what to say tbh they got divorced 100% great idea so happy the wife got her character change she was selfish I never blamed her for
Decisions she made regarding the brother and sending him away she could have visited but she didn’t, the husband never liked him he cheated character flaws of his own, I definitely DONT like the blonde brother like bro knows how to manipulate someone. the stabbing in the bathroom at the end like hey I got this knife so u can stab me after I say all this shit to u but dw I already texted so and so that imma do it to myself so they won’t blame u. Altho she shouldn’t have stabbed him he literally played with her emotions. The husband wanting to take the fall for it ig so the wife can stay with the child. I see so many ppl saying that but I don’t see anyone talking about how the wife brought up divorce and that they should get divorced so that he wouldn’t be called the husband of a A murderer or so that their child wouldn’t be the daughter murderer she was ready to take that fall. Also I 100% don’t think the blonde has changed even after 4 years. Opening a coffee shop with the ex husbands sister? “I wanted to see u” yea bro that’s kinda obvious. Family? He’s a manipulative mf