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katweo July 20, 2021 5:21 am

So I remember this one manga where there was this really short girl who like the hot tall too dude of class and he liked her back but they didn’t know that so they thought it was an unrequited love I forgot the name but it was so cute and I keep getting clips of it in my head.someone please help me find the name of it!!

katweo July 16, 2021 5:19 am

Ok so I remember reading this one story about this couple where one of them would travel and the other would be strict and stay where he was. One day his lover came back and made plans to go to a new country because they had more freedom there. He was studying a different religion then he should have been which was against the law so he was trying to stay on the ow about it. When he was on the boat he was caught with scripts of the religion and was taken away. Meanwhile his lover was waiting for him until death. Like I know what the story was about but I don’t remember the name.

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