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CypressHaven's experience ( All 0 )

CypressHaven's answer ( All 8 )

I'm a bisexual woman but i lean more on guys so I only enter a relationship with women when i really can't help it. I love yaoi more than anything and for some kinda unknown weird reason, i can't stand yuri.   reply
30 07,2017
proвaвly ѕeĸe ι'м вι and ι lιĸe playιng тнe agreѕѕιve role wнen ι'м wιтн a gιrl вυт ι тoтally вecoмe a тѕυndere gғ/υĸe wιтн gυyѕ ╮(─▽─)╭   reply
24 07,2017
in my case, EVERYONE actually knows. My family does. i've always been the type to get crazy over things (i was a die-hard kpop fan before i switched to anime and manga XD) so, they got kinda used to it, i think? :D My friends know too. T'was never a prob since we're all open about these gender stuffs and we have many members of the 3rd sex in our......   2 reply
05 09,2016
yeah, school, resto's, hospitals, .. basically, everywhere XD See, one of my special skills is my "facial muscle manipulation". XD even my friends say that they cant really tell what im thinking. (● ̄(エ) ̄●) if only they knew that i was actually listening to smexy blcd's whenever we roam arround ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶   reply
13 05,2016
yaoi made me the person i am today. i earned good grades to stop my mom from disturbing my 'yaoi time'. smexy blcd's helped me ignore the fuck off of annoying people and yaoi made me enjoy myself more XD.   1 reply
13 05,2016

CypressHaven's question ( All 0 )