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Honestly I get the gist of the translation but THEY'RE JUST SO ADORABLE I LOVE THEM

Nish♡ created a topic of Savage Castle

First she cries for the ML and holds onto the baby just so she can have a fragment of ML and now that he's here,YOU THROWING A TANTRUM FOR THE HUSBAND WHO RAPED AND ABUSED YOU?? And YOU. Disgusting ML, you DARE do that to your own LOVER? when she's PREGNANT with YOUR CHILD???

Nish♡ created a topic of Guiding Hazard

If only I were someone's indelible mark seared into someone's psyche. A singular in their life

Nish♡ created a topic of Corrosive

I can hear the red flag bells ringing but IM TOO DEAF FOR HIM JSHSKSK

Nish♡ created a topic of High Society

I'm literally so torn between my immense attraction towards ML's dimples and the fact that he's a literal psychopath

Nish♡ created a topic of Predator Marriage

Our miss girl gon need a wheel chair after this

Nish♡ created a topic of Elegant Desire

Bitch go back to whoring your ragged old pussy to random men, that's the only thing you're good at. stop trying to interfere in your son's life when he's finally happy for ONE MOMENT

Ain't no way she chose to save her rival's son rather than her own dad who cares to the moon and back for her just cuz she's cared

Alright but how tf they got high tech cameras in the era of letters

Nish♡ answered question about question
Probably my crush's shoe size or his hand writing or his hairstyle that I specifically searched on chrome or his broken pen that he threw away idk
Nish♡ created a topic of Elegant Desire

I'd say, let her know he knows of her disgusting affair and watch her crumble. If she was so fucking fragile she should've just broken her damn spine by getting her outdated pussy plowed by that psycho

Nish♡ created a topic of Define The Relationship

Baby we know you're into BDSM, its fine, we love you for evrything, even that

Nish♡ created a topic of Monday'saviour

So like, you romantically like him right?

Nish♡ created a topic of Define The Relationship


Nish♡ created a topic of The Damn Boundary

What kind of a trashy ahh character development is this?

I came here cuz of the josei blue balled so bad

Nish♡ created a topic of Husband Replacement

The storyline changed like 50 times already

Nish♡ created a topic of 20-Year-Old College Jocks

God I dislike brown haired guy so much get gtfo bitch.

Nish♡ created a topic of Last Love of Youth


Yay another FL that falls for the guy who killed her in her past life