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m e created a topic of Jinx

Ahhhh im so mad i just want Dan to grow some balls and leave him atleast for a little while

He saw his girl having a threesome and still stayed with her?? He’s so strange I don’t think I like him very much Ao is definitely the best character in the story lol

m e created a topic of Yoake no Uta

this is so so good both the story and art are stunning

m e created a topic of Wet Sand

Jo looked so pretty this chapter !! It looks like they’re gunna go after Ian to get TJ, how predictable but I do miss TJ alreadyyyyy

“Do you think I’m such a pathetic man?”
“Unfortunately I do, Derrick.” LMAOOO they gave me one final laugh

m e created a topic of Beyond Memories

I had been avoiding this webtoon cause it looked sad but it’s really well written and I’m enjoying the story…although everytime we get a flashback from the past life my stomach drops

m e created a topic of Wet Sand

This better not be a goodbye, where did my man TJ go also it was cute to see Ian and Jo hanging out normally

m e created a topic of Wet Sand

they’ve done it again…im speechless..that was so intense and Ian is sooo slutty he knew exactly what he was doing

m e created a topic of Gig of the Day

Yeomin is such a good boy he better not hurt him

m e created a topic of Wet Sand

By reading some of these childish comments I’m assuming that some of yall are minors…please log off and go do your homework. Also if you hate the direction the author is taking the story you can just drop it and find something else to read.

m e created a topic of Jinx

I’m begging him to please grow a back bone omg
and now I bet Jaekyung won’t even let him explain and will immediately assume he betrayed him

m e created a topic of Love or Hate(Yeongha)

I’m convinced that half of the people that read this webtoon have no reading comprehension or ignored any sign of Taku’s red flags cause they wanted him to be Haesoo’s savior so bad lol
Meanwhile Haesoo would think of Joowon even while having sex with Taku ..why did yall ever think he had a chance LOL

m e created a topic of Wet Sand

Their chemistry is insane and this is why I can’t root for Ian and Jo TJ is so damn fine and Ian clearly wants him lol

I definitely recommend this one! The FL is smart and calculated and the ML only has eyes for her even though he’s very bad with words

I also love how she didn’t try to push the og heroine on the ML and just set her up with someone else LMAOO

m e created a topic of Jinx

Wow I actually shed a tear pls don’t take his only source of happiness poor baby

m e created a topic of Wet Sand

This is the first webtoon where I can’t decide what endgame I want I love all 3 characters so maybe we need a poly

m e created a topic of Dreadful Night

LMAOO i love him even if he’s psychotic im so sad i hope it wont take too long for next season

m e created a topic of Jinx

Why do they have to drag Dan into this just take revenge on Jaekyung and leave the doc alone

m e created a topic of A Secret Romance Between Us

ok im just waiting for the other shoe to drop.. the ml is way too suspicious and the mc annoys me too like boy if you don’t stop lying about having experience