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ciel created a topic of One Summer Day

yo is that the couple from sign???

ciel created a topic of Sunnyside Daycare Classmates

these are all flashbacks right, so this whole gang is dead? including blondie?

ciel created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

why are ppl writing thesis in the comments

ciel created a topic of Limited Run

tellin myself I’m reading steel under silk so the text don’t throw me off

ciel created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

need to mentally erase reading those side stories cause the fuck

ciel created a topic of Gig of the Day

I have a feeling this is gonna be a short manhwa cause no way is ml gonna take his time falling for that cutiepatootie

ciel created a topic of Half of Me

I haven’t read ANYTHING for a whole month just to see there’s only been 2 updates …….

ciel created a topic of Nerd Project

whats up with these authors edging us like this

ciel created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

guys i totally know theyre gonna smooch a lot next chap

ciel created a topic of Monday'saviour

that is one FREAKY ass perv and i’m not saying that lightly

ciel created a topic of Half of Me

hope he gets sucker punched

ciel created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

i just want what they have

ciel created a topic of Double Trap
ciel created a topic of Gig of the Day

ml trying so hard to be an asshole and doesn’t realise his opponent is the most OP in pure cutiepatootiness

ciel created a topic of Waterside Night

taeju did NOT hold back

ciel created a topic of Sunnyside Daycare Classmates

the world building is insane

ciel created a topic of Monday'saviour

how is HE calling him calling a pervert?

ciel created a topic of Wet Sand

this is why I hate love triangles, need jo and tj to fuck atp

ciel created a topic of One Summer Day