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Jujucat's feed

Jujucat created a topic of Codename Anastasia

I’m sorry but this comment section is quite funny and hypocritical.

1. I’ve witnessed people say they hate straights and they’ve only come to read gay smut

And people want to say “calling them hetrophobic is an unnecessary insult”

There’s a difference between unnecessary and speaking facts.
If you’re going to go on a rant about hating straights and talk about “straight webtoons having nothing but rxpe” as if most BL’s aren’t full of the same thing, you’re going to have people coming at you.

2. I don’t think anyone here should act like some kind of moral keyboard justice warrior when I’m the one who’s paying my hard earned money to upload the comic while you read for free not paying a single dime.

3. Everyone can have their opinions.
While saying this that means both sides of the parties MUST RESPECT each other and not go off for days on end attacking others simply because they don’t agree with the other party.
Preaching about free opinions is quite dumb when you’re someone who can’t bare to respect other people’s.

The fact that this has been going on for days without breaks is getting out of hand.
Why are you acting as if you’ve never came across Pornhub.

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